
The birthstone for November is Citrine.

The birthstone for November is Citrine.

Whether you were born a Scorpio or a Sagittarius, November babies have 2 amazing birthstones to choose from!

Citrine, also known as the Merchants’ Stone, has been known to provide a person with many benefits. Citrine can bring its wearer bliss, confidence and solar power. Merchants favored their Citrine amulets as they believed that it attracted and helped them sustain wealth in their business. Get your own version of a Citrine Amulet with this beautiful Citrine little rock necklace. Or if you'd rather wear your citrine as earrings you can choose these pretty little Citrine pebble sterling silver studs.

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My next event will be at Retreat on October 20th!

My next event will be at Retreat on October 20th!

  Join me for the South Pasadena Arts Crawl this month on October 20th from 5-9pm at ...
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The Emotion Hygiene collaboration just launched!

Last week Lena and I launched our Emotion Hygiene collection at Unplug Meditation in Santa Monica. The +Emotion Flashcards are beautiful and so easy to use. You can get your own deck over on the Emotion Hygiene site. The new InGauge bracelets are now available on both here and on the new site.
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My monthly reading recap for August

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Sapphire, emotion hygiene and a new jewelry collection launch this month

Sapphire, the birthstone for September, is one of my favorite stones to work with because of its vastly different color varieties. Along with the more traditional blue color, sapphire can also come in a rainbow of other options. The pieces above are just a few of the options I have for a September birthday gift. You can see all the options on my website.

Did you know? Sapphire is a throat chakra stone, and is also known as the wisdom stone.
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New crystal necklaces are up in the shop!

To celebrate my birthday, I recently drove up the coast of California and visited Monterrey, Carmel by the Sea, Big Sur, and Morro Bay. I was so inspired by the conservation efforts in Monterrey and the stunning beauty of the coast! Since I donate a portion of all sales to different charities throughout the year this reminded me that I need to add an environmental charity back to the list.

I've donated to Surfrider in the past, but if you have a charity that you love, please let me know by emailing
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My monthly reading recap for July

My monthly reading recap for July

So you want to talk about race is a book I think every white person should read, instead of asking a person of color on social media or your black friend to explain why they think something you did or said, or something you saw in the news was racist. Especially if you've ever caught yourself saying but I don't see color, I can't be racist because....., You're overreacting it's not about race, or even if you've thought things without letting them come out of your mouth.
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My next event is Temps on Two July 20-23.

Shirley DeMarco will have my line at the LA Mart Temps on Two show this month. This is a wholesale only show. I will be there in person on the 20th if you want to meet me and see what's new before the holiday season for your store. 
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My monthly reading recap for June.

I kicked off my summer reading with these three books this month. Dan Siegel's "The Neurobiology of We" was fascinating. I love thinking about to how we really are all connected and to think about how modern technology has done some amazing things but has also isolated lots of people. The science of the brain and how it processes memories, trauma and connection is so interesting. I was surprised to learn how new so much of this science is and how not long ago no one understood PTSD and trauma at all. 
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My monthly reading recap for May

The Goldfinch was recommended to me by a friend and while I really did enjoy it, I wish I had chosen to read the physical book instead of listening to it on audiobook. I didn't realize it was over 700 pages so I just got tired of listening to the narrator's voice. The story itself though was very interesting and I really enjoyed following along with the twists and turns of Theo's life and liked the fine art and antique furniture restoration details.

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New styles up in my shop!

Check out the new arrivals section to see some of the new crystal and stone pieces I've added. 

Here are a few of my favorites that I've been wearing around myself. 

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Monthly reading recap

I started reading a bunch of books in April but these are the one's that I finished or am not going to continue reading. Jewel's book was definitely a new favorite. I loved her music so much as a teenager so to read more of her story was really wonderful. She has had quite a life and really has a lot to teach. 
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Some of my favorite books I've read lately.

I was always encouraged to read books and to see them as not only a form of education but also entertainment. How I read has changed over the years as I'm sure it has for a lot of you. I fought getting a nook or kindle for years, but now I love mine. Then I was not up for listening to audio books because I thought I needed to carve out time to sit and read my books. But I really love mixing in audio books now with my music and podcasts while I'm in the car or working in the studio. 

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"Where there is love there is life"-Gandhi

love filled gifts
Rose quartz is a great stone for self care and love. I've put my little rock necklace together with a few of my favorite oracle cards, heart and crystals. 
1.This gorgeous crystal deck is from Lavish Earth.
2.The Love card is from Creative Thursday's oracle deck.
3. The felt hearts and crystal are from Lula Mae.
4. The Rose Quartz necklace is from my shop.
I hope your week is filled with love of all kinds this week. 
Have a wonderful day,
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Trunk show at Artful Santa Monica on February 10th

Valentine's Day shopping trunk show at Artful in Santa Monica on February 10th.

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Balance & Adorn event at Lula Mae on February 11th.

Balance and Adorn Event with Amanda K Lockrow and The Symbolic Life

Join us for Balance & Adorn, with Amanda K Lockrow and The Symbolic Life Space is Limited! 

You will receive a Tarot Reading and Chakra Card pull with The Symbolic Life.  This key Chakra card will allow Amanda to design and make a custom necklace just for you with a corresponding crystal that you are in need of at that time!  

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Gratitude Sale through Monday online!

This year for the holiday season I am donating a portion of all sales to the Alexandria House here in Los Angeles.
I am so grateful for each and every one of you for your support through the years. To say thank you through Monday night at midnight you can shop online and save 20% and help spread a little more love and kindness in to the world through this charity that does amazing work.
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Spreading a little extra love in 2017 by giving back


It started with my second year of participating in the #goodkarmasale and donating a portion of all of holiday sales to charity. But this year I was compelled to donate to more than one charity and the donations have continued in to the new year.

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See the Spring Collection at Las Vegas Market

Las Vegas Market see the spring collection
Shirley Demarco and Associates will be back at the Las Vegas Market showing my line and lots of other in the handmade section of The Pavilions at the end of this month!
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Please vote for us to be the next American Made winner!

Voting is live now over on the Martha Stewart American Made site and your votes every day can help take my business to the next level!
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