Getting out of the city

Many weekends over the past 8 months I've tried to spend as much time enjoying nature as I could. Some weekends that meant you would find me out on my paddleboard other's I would go on little road trips and find areas where people were a rare sight. With the magical blue moon recently it felt like the perfect time to seek out what nurtures and recharges me. I went on long walks enjoying oak trees, farmland, lakes and the ocean. I read books, pulled oracle cards, danced and slept.
I know how truly lucky I am to be able to do these things. And I will never take them for granted even for a moment.
Even when I came back to my car after the most beautiful walk and someone had stolen my roof rack pads off my car I came back to gratitude. I was so angry because it meant that I would not be able to paddle board for a bit, but then I felt love and empathy for the person who stole them. They must be hurting or struggling in some way much more than me to decide to steal something off someone's car in the middle of nowhere.
I felt like the lesson in this happening was that we have to be able to take the good with the bad. To be able to do this and not let it ruin the good.
So in the meantime if you find yourself up in Solvang, Los Olivos or Santa Ynez, here are some places I can recommend from the quiet weekends I have been so lucky to enjoy these past few months.
El Rancho Market
Oso Flaco Lake and Guadalupe-Nipomo Dunes National Wildlife Refuge