2024 Reading Roundup

One of the things that feeds my soul, my heart, and my mind is reading. I didn't read as much in 2024 as I would have liked. Grief made it harder for me to focus than usual and often when I tried to read or listen to an audiobook I would realize I wasn't retaining any of it and had to start over and over again. If you've followed my book posts in the past you might have noticed my reading is pretty heavy on nonfiction, but I was sure to include some fiction and poetry in the mix.
Favorite reads of 2024:
The Sentence by Louise Erdich
Maiden to Mother by Sarah Durham Wilson
Good Life, Good Death by Gehlek Rimpoche
Wandering Stars by Tommy Orange
Grief is for People by Sloan Crosley
What It Takes to Heal by Prentis Hemphill
The Rules of Magic by Alice Hoffman
Anam Cara: A Book of Celtic Wisdom by John O'Donohue
You can see all the books linked here on bookshop along with some other reading lists of mine.
Don't forget to support your local bookstores as much as you are able. If you prefer online bookshop is a great alternative to Amazon.
If you are looking for ways to keep your book budget under control besides your local library I recommend thriftbooks.com and the libby app.
What were your favorite books that you read in 2024? I would love to hear in the comments.