My fall reading recommendations

I haven't done a post about what I'm reading in a few months so it seemed like a a good time to put a list together.
My next book is one that I will recommend for years to come. I will read anything by the Dalai Lama honestly. But I absolutely love how he explores ethics and morals beyond religion. He has met and learned from people of all religions and no religion and the lessons he can teach us all could just help us create a kinder more ethical world. He helps the reader see just how connected we all are and to focus on what we all share instead of what divides us.
I just finished Ocean Vuong's book On Earth We're Briefly Gorgeous. I thought his writing was beautiful before but listening to his voice reading his words was absolutely stunning and heartbreaking at the same time. His exploration of race, class and masculinity is such a brutally honest way is a gift to the reader.
This book fell short in a few areas just because of the author's personal experience and viewpoint, but the idea of how trauma can be passed down through families and generations is a topic I wanted to read more about. If you ever wondered why certain patterns or stories repeat in your family you might enjoy this book.
I have listened to Alicia's music for decades. So this book was one I read just because I love her music and respect her activism and voice. Her voice and skills as a piano player thrust her in to the spotlight at such a young age so hearing more about her journey and growth in this book only made me love her music more.
I honestly chose this book because I loved the cover art. This book was the debut novel of Afia Atakora and it was beautifully written. The characters were complex and the story spanned generations and eras. Rue and Miss Mae Belle brought us in to their lives on a plantation in the South before and after the Civil War.
This book was my book club's pick and it was just a really fun and enjoyable read. If you're looking for a lighthearted book about some rescue animals and burro racing you might enjoy this book. In a book club where we rarely agree on books this book was one we all enjoyed.
You can see my bookshop list here and support local bookstores with any books you purchase.
I would love to hear what you're reading and if you have any favorites.