It's Giveaway time!! Nominate your favorite health care workers to win a Little Rock necklace.

This giveaway is CLOSED. The winner has been announced on Instagram.
I'm going to host a different giveaway every Friday for the next few weeks as a little way to spread some love and appreciation to all the helpers.
The first giveaway is for any healthcare workers. There are no fancy rules for the giveaway just nominate someone you know to show them how much we all appreciate their superhero skills. If you're on instagram just pop over and nominate them there, leave them a compliment and they'll be entered to win. If you don't use instagram just send me an email or comment on this post.
Times are hard for so many of us, but this is a small way that I can put some love and kindness out in to the world.
I'm also helping gather cloth masks to send to my dad and all of his colleagues at Walter Reed National Medical Center in Bethesda, Maryland. My dad is a surgeon there and has told me that so far they have the PPE they need, but can use as many masks as they can get. It's looking like DC and Maryland could be the next hot spot, so I want to do whatever I can to help everyone there.

For the first giveaway I wanted to choose one of my favorite protective stones for these superheroes to wear. So I will be sending tourmalinated quartz necklaces to the winners.
May you be safe, may you be healthy, may you live with ease and happiness.
Sending out the biggest virtual hug to you all.
Love, Amanda
Posted on April 10 2020
I’d like to nominate my fiancé Kim for this, she is an amazingly strong women, not only taking care of her home life with 2 kids, one with special needs who are now home and home schooling, finishing her APRN and now agreeing to go back to floor nursing at the hospital on a COVID positive step-down unit. The things she tells me go on are unbelievable and the conditions these nurses work in are tougher than the general public is aware of. I would love for her to be a recipient of this to show her that there are people who appreciate the dedication, hard work and resilience of nurses on the front lines, but also to show my appreciation to her.